Changes to PlayOnBSD Games 2023-01-20 16:38:52 UTC
+=> entries/broken-sword-the-shadow-of-the-templars.gmi Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars (ON SALE)
+=> entries/caesar-3.gmi Caesar 3 (ON SALE)
+=> entries/chasm.gmi Chasm (ON SALE)
+=> entries/diablo.gmi Diablo (ON SALE)
+=> entries/the-dig.gmi The Dig (ON SALE)
+=> entries/exapunks.gmi EXAPUNKS (ON SALE)
+=> entries/eagle-island.gmi Eagle Island (ON SALE)
+=> entries/eliza.gmi Eliza (ON SALE)
+=> entries/escape-goat.gmi Escape Goat (ON SALE)
+=> entries/escape-goat-2.gmi Escape Goat 2 (ON SALE)
+=> entries/escape-from-monkey-island.gmi Escape from Monkey Island (ON SALE)
+=> entries/the-expression-amrilato.gmi The Expression Amrilato (ON SALE)
+=> entries/fenimore-fillmore-3-skulls-of-the-toltecs.gmi Fenimore Fillmore: 3 Skulls of the Toltecs (ON SALE)
+=> entries/gabriel-knight-sins-of-the-fathers.gmi Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers (ON SALE)
+=> entries/hacknet.gmi HackNet (ON SALE)
+=> entries/heroes-of-might-and-magic-2.gmi Heroes of Might and Magic 2 (ON SALE)
+=> entries/i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream.gmi I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream (ON SALE)
+=> entries/icewind-dale.gmi Icewind Dale (ON SALE)
+=> entries/indiana-jones-and-the-fate-of-atlantis.gmi Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (ON SALE)
+=> entries/ion-fury.gmi Ion Fury (ON SALE)
-=> entries/jagged-alliance-2.gmi Jagged Alliance 2 (ON SALE)
+=> entries/long-live-the-queen.gmi Long Live the Queen (ON SALE)
+=> entries/the-longest-journey.gmi The Longest Journey (ON SALE)
+=> entries/loom.gmi Loom (ON SALE)
+=> entries/mega-man-legacy-collection.gmi Mega Man Legacy Collection (ON SALE)
+=> entries/mobius-front-83.gmi Mobius Front 83 (ON SALE)
+=> entries/molek-syntez.gmi Molek-Syntez (ON SALE)
+=> entries/opus-magnum.gmi Opus Magnum (ON SALE)
+=> entries/owlboy.gmi Owlboy (ON SALE)
+=> entries/planescape-torment.gmi Planescape: Torment (ON SALE)
+=> entries/quest-for-infamy.gmi Quest for Infamy (ON SALE)
-=> entries/sumico-the-numbers-game.gmi SUMICO - The Numbers Game (ON SALE)
+=> entries/sam-max-hit-the-road.gmi Sam & Max Hit the Road (ON SALE)
+=> entries/the-settlers-ii.gmi The Settlers II (ON SALE)
+=> entries/shadow-warrior-classic-redux.gmi Shadow Warrior Classic Redux (ON SALE)
+=> entries/space-haven.gmi Space Haven (ON SALE)
+=> entries/star-wars-jedi-knight-jedi-academy.gmi Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy (ON SALE)
+=> entries/strife-veteran-edition.gmi Strife: Veteran Edition (ON SALE)
+=> entries/sword-of-the-stars-the-pit.gmi Sword of the Stars: The Pit (ON SALE)
+=> entries/system-shock.gmi System Shock (ON SALE)
+=> entries/tales-of-majeyal.gmi Tales of Maj'Eyal (ON SALE)
-=> entries/unexplored.gmi Unexplored (ON SALE)
+=> entries/zak-mckracken-and-the-alien-mindbenders.gmi Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (ON SALE)